Moody Styled Shoot - HU's Art Farm {Auckland wedding photographer}

We had an exciting collaboration this winter - moody styled shoot at HU’s Art Farm {West Auckland}. Few wedding vendors come together to create an amazing atmosphere and some stunning photos: photographer - Olga Levien at L & L; make-up artist and hair stylist Olga Gill; gorgeous model - Ioana Damiani; dresses - Jessica Bridal; planner, stylist, flowers - Becks at EnvyEvents and stylish venue - HU’s Art Farm {with variety of shooting locations}.

It was a rainy day and we been happy to work under the cover in such a gorgeous location, get creative and “capture the beauty in details and harmony in moments” - my mojo!

Enjoy highlights in photo gallery!

  • Learn how refine your style at my upcoming workshop “Love, Light & Laughter” at Click Photo School. It’s going to be amazing 4 weeks full of learning, inspiration, new friendships and personal feedback and growth. I would love to have you join!

Moody Styled Shoot - MOTAT {Auckland wedding photographers and vendors}

Styled shoot always a great help to get inspiration and make photography juices flow! I so glad I trying to do at least 1-2 of them per year. This time it was amazing day at MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology) with beautiful and talented people working to put together a special moody Styled Shoot. I as a wedding photographer been so honoured this amazing team contacted me to represent my style and vision in this collaboration. It was a pleasure to met friends | best wedding vendors in the industry again! I so happy to work alongside the true professionals. Please contact them if you love their work!
Many Thanks to Great Creative Team, its been impossible without your talent and love to what you do the best:
Models - Georgia and Helena
Stylist: Envy Events Photography: Olga from Levien & Lens PhotographyFlorist: Deb from Creative Crew Make up & Hair: Boutique Bride & Amy Ryan - Make Up Bridal Gowns: Vinka Design Stationery: Inkberry Calligraphy Cake: Magnolia Kitchen Macrame: Envy Events
Venue: Leah from Motat Videography: Wild Souls NZ

Enjoy highlights in this gallery!

Inkberry calligraphy - image by Levien and Lens photography - Auckland Wedding photographers
bride at the MOTAT {Auckland wedding photographers}
bride at MOTAT - styled shoot by Levien and Lens photography
macaroons from Magnolia Kitchen - photos by Levien and Lens photography - Auckland wedding photographers | styling Envy Events
bride at Old School - MOTAT | Auckland wedding photographer
bride at old school - MOTAT {Auckland weddings photographer}


Style Verify - Rooftop Terrace Styled Shoot published in Wedding Blog {Auckland weddings photographer}

I so excited to share with you amazing news: our Urban Styled Shoot on Chancery Chambers rooftop terrace just been published in Style Veryfy - prestigious wedding blog. Its a great pleasure and honour for us, wedding photographers, to see how this beautiful team effort went live.

Models: Natalie Connell and Pietro Sassanelli
Styling by Becks Envy Events; Venue - Rooftop Terrace Chancery Chambers {venue event coordinator Jenna}; Ghada Gown from Vinka Design; Grooms attire by Working Style; Flowers and Honeycomb backdrop - Twig & Twine; Table settings - Envy Events & The Pretty Prop Shop; Engraving - Peg Creative
and Levien & Lens Photography - Auckland wedding photographers.

Enjoy this publication and have a look at more images in our Blog.

Slyle Verufy - Rooftop Terrace styled shoot  {Auckland weddings photographers}

Contact me with any questions!

Auckland City Styled Shoot {New Zealand wedding photographers} Chancery Chambers rooftop terrace

Hi everyone! I so excited to share with you amazing styled shoot in Auckland City {New Zealand}  at stunning venue - rooftop terrace of Chancery Chambers with view on Skytower. I honoured to be invited as a photographer to join a team of amazing wedding vendors {stylist, event planning, flower design, wedding gowns and groom attire and much more}. Its been a real treat and such a great way to find inspiration over the winter, off-wedding season.

Enjoy this photo gallery highlights and let me know if you have any questions!

Great creative team:

Models: Natalie Connell and Pietro Sassanelli
Styling by Becks Envy Events; Venue - Rooftop Terrace Chancery Chambers {venue event coordinator Jenna}; Ghada Gown from Vinka Design; Grooms attire by Working Style; Flowers and Honeycomb backdrop - Twig & Twine; Table settings - Envy Events & The Pretty Prop Shop; Engraving - Peg Creative
and Levien & Lens Photography - Auckland wedding photographers.

Auckland city styled shoot Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland City Styled Shoot Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers} inspiration
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}
Auckland city styled shoot - Chancery Chambers {New Zealand wedding photographers}

Inspiration Boho 70s styled shoot {New Zealand - North Island wedding-engagement photographer}

We, wedding photographers, artistic natures :) Each photographer need to shoot for yourself and be inspired, motivated and get fresh view in between of busy wedding seasons, travelling around New Zealand and truly be exhausted sometimes and needed a set up some styled shoot.

This inspiration Boho 70s styled shoot took place in Pirongia, Waikato, New Zealand. Its been collaboration of amazing creative team: Kimberley wright makeup artist, hair by Voluptuous Devine mobile nail & beauty services, 3 models and been organised at family batch in Pirongia, there was a beautiful old style building with deck, patio and porch. Models been ready at the morning and photo shot been in different spots around the house (at garden, near sheds or drive way with tall trees, model even sit on the branch of one amazing tree with beautiful structure). There endless opportunities for photographs, also inside the house - to get mysterious feeling at the windows, fireplace and old style chairs.

It was amazing time, full of inspiration, passion, and special moments.

Great Creative team:
Models: Hannah Ireland, Tayla Marriner, Jessie Thomson
Make-up: Kimberley Wright Makeup Artist 
Hair: Voluptuous Devine mobile nail & beauty services 
and Auckland-Waikato-Bay of Plenty lifestyle wedding photographer: Levien & Lens Photography 

Enjoy this gallery and video slideshow!

Contact me with any questions!