Celebrating Click Pro {New Zealand lifestyle wedding and family photographer} photography mentorship

Im so excited to share with you news about my little or big achievement. My lifestyle wedding and family photography portfolio set with 150 images was just accepted for Click Pro.

"Click Pro is a modern network of highly skilled professional photographers and independent artists. Membership to Click Pro is application based, and invitation is extended on the basis of an applicant’s portfolio evaluation.

The evaluation scale is broken into seven categories with six levels per category. Each level has a number/name explained in more detail below.

The rubric categories are:

1 — Exposure Triangle
2 — Color and White Balance
3 — Use of Light
4 — Composition and Posing
5 — Processing Cohesion and Polish
6 — Technical (focus, DOF, etc)
7 — Creativity, Expression and Intention".

As photographer and mum Im so happy to took part in this project and be in amazing community of wonderful women-photographers | artists ClickinMoms, offering support, photography education and much more.

Im over two years in this amazing community and its a big achievement to reach Click Pro Status, but at the same moment its a lot of responsibility, Im happy to help everyone in their photography journey, share everything what I know, teach | mentoring and help with personal and professional development. 

I also exciting to share my work in Daily Project.

Its exciting journey and its only beginning!

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