One year cute baby boy birthday celebration {Kids event photographer Auckland NZ}

I love parties. Especially if its babies parties :)

One year seems to be a big date for new person in the world. First we counting days after birth, then weeks, and later months. Feeding, changing nappies, playing, move to sleep (big task!) - all this routine staff make this time looks like ever!

And then suddenly ONE year coming. And we want made something special, make us remember this day - when baby became a toddler. And looks like our live became lighter and happier (joking! with part of true :) first time mums understand. Second and third time everything became easier :)

So good ideas for celebration 1 year old:

- choose the right location (your house, playcenter, or outdoor - park or beach like in our case)

- invite good people (friends and families with little kids (don't forget send an invitation)

- prepare yummy food (remember to include baby items - like baby cans, crackers, cheese, veges, fruits etc)

- prepare play activities, equipment (slide, water games, cars etc), bubbles, ballons...

- don't forget a decoration what making good atmosphere and party feelings!

- and order photographer (for good memories fixed and free hands - you no need running around with camera, try get good shots with active moving kids and organise party at the same moment :)

- Oh, yes, and spare clothes for little ones - they just love to make mess!

Last weekend I been at great party - celebration one year old Ivan with his family and little friends. What the great company, nice atmosphere, amazing location at Waiaki beach, and a lot interesting to shoot!

Parents did a great job with setup all party - choose location, took and keep the best spot on the beach, think about all activities for kids with little playhouse and slide, water play, big car etc Kids just loved it! So much fun and positive emotions.

I been happy to shoot all these little ones and their families. Yes, its been a big task for me - to shoot birthday boy Ivan's family + 4 families with babies - mini family sessions on location, and tried keep shooting party process. Great experience, new emotions and great to meet new people - such a wonderful guys! (And I even been so much into shooting and looking for the best respective and composition - so fall of the walking pass when been shooting last family. Camera and lens fine, Me too :) just a few marks on hands and legs, funny moment :) Everything for session!

Here some pictures coming (need to say I retouched much more then usual amount of pictures - just to be sure I have all families and party pictures as well).

Happy Birthday Vanya (short for Ivan - Russian name)! Hope you enjoyed this day and had a good sleep afterwards :) as I did!

Contact me with any questions!


Happy New Year!

Today we go away Up North for Christmas holidays and will be absent around 1.5 week. It will be quiet time in my blog and website.

Hope everyone will be having a great holidays, plenty of rest, new emotions and adventures!

Happy New Year! Hope its bring us more positive, good and kind events, more luck, happiness and harmony! 

And before New Year we remember all the best what happened with us in last year and make some plans and resolution for next one. So here my positive changes for year 2014:

1. Move back to ice skating after second baby born (when she was 3 month old). Its really positive be on the ice again, feel freedom and happiness. And I even start motivating me blog Olgaskating at Blogger, and connect with some other adults skaters around the world.

2. Decorating and use to our new house what we bought at the end of 2013. Making kids bedrooms, spare guests bedroom, look after outside area (bought some plants and flowers).

3. New DSLR camera Nikon D7000 with few lens bought and from hobby my photography turn more into the business.

4. Creating own website with portfolio and Facebook business page. Thank you everyone who support me on this hard and interesting way! Unbelievable I could do it for so short time.

5. Photography sessions with my clients, models and friends. What the great experience and fun! I am appreciated every single moment. Thank you so much for push me further to bigger progress!

6. Join ClickinMoms community. What the great place to be - forums, tutorials, workshops, picture share, support and love. Im only new there but just love it!

7. View my little ones grow - such a big changes. William turned 2 and start talking, counting, know colours, amazing changes! Anna-Bella turn one year old, now she walking, talking (soon will be same like brother and even faster development - girls!). And they just cute little personalities! Enjoy every moment with them!

8. And my husband Matt, he had hard and busy time at work (really stressful), but still found power for support me on my way with photography, kids, part-time job, housekeeping etc.

Thank you for everything!

Love you all!

And hope next year will bring even more positive and fun (if I will have time in next year probably I will write some type of resolution, milestones. Will see :)

See you next year! Happy holidays!!! Have fun and relax!

Christmas 2014. Celebration with family. Event photography

Christmas  - its a special time for everyone (adults buying presents, kids waiting Santa and Christmas morning).

This Christmas day we woke up early and found presents under the Christmas tree. William became old enough (2.5 years) for understand whats happening. He been really happy get his new big truck. Anna-Bella, our little one, get pretty doll with pram. So morning start with presents and continue at my mother- in-law's place at North Shore where we spend nice and relaxable Christmas day with family (5 adults, 3 kids and 2 dogs :).

Christmas presents, wraps everywhere, cards and decorations, barbecue, Christmas lunch slowly move into dinner :), Pavlova (yummy desert called by Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova - close to me), kids on the slide, bubbles, fun...

And We finished this day with driving back home late evening through City centre and seen beautifully decorated Franklin st. Here lives Christmas spirit - Lights, reindeers, Santa, elves, angeles, love hearts...   Traffic was really slow, all people in cars been watching great decorations, slow down near each house, enjoy, take a pictures (me too!). Thats made our day!

And when kids been sleeping in car we realised its was first Christmas celebration when we could relax (kids now big enough for not take all our attention and power :) It was really cute to watch William playing with his new cars - put them in line and counting. I clear heard numbers up to 6, impressed :)

Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy your family time and holidays! Have rest and relax!

Here pictures coming :) 

Capture everyday moments. Family time. Lifestyle photography


We love to take kids out and give them freedom, run around, have fun. Thats what they like :)

And sometimes I have my camera with me. I should mention - its a hard task - trying get the best shots with fast little ones and run after them (one second and they gone :).

So we spend some family time at One Tree Hill (Auckland) and look from the top of the hill at Cornwall park and beautiful city around with Skytower somewhere at the back.

My boy took his 'blunky' - his bed sheets what he just love to take everywhere especially when he tired. Yes some kids take with them teddy bears, but our boy can't live without his dummy and english traditional style blunky with teddy bears (its not too bad, sometimes he takes in bed robots or big cars!).

And he been running around with it, and some people even helped us pick it up so it not fly away from the hill. Oh-oh!

One Tree Hill. Boy with blanket

My little princess Anna-Bella had her own fun and prefer walk around and had fun in daddy hands.


And William tried explore everything around and go high on dangerous stone wall.

Boy on the wall

At least kids had some fun and we enjoy the views!

Boy at the top
(here my husband. Probably he have no idea I blogging his picture :)

(here my husband. Probably he have no idea I blogging his picture :)

These pics special for me because its my time with family. And after some time will be good to look at them and remember what we all did together, or what our kids love to do at this age.

(when we was driving today to Christmas shopping I tried remember what we done at AnBe 1 year old. And it was terrible - I couldn't remember any single thing. SO go back to find any picture from this day to remember...)

Treasure in our life. Children and kids photography Auckland

Our life running fast and changeable. We have only one constant basic thing - our treasure - our family.

We should appreciate all these moments, but sometimes we just move through them, looking forward future, waiting when kids will be older and its all will be easier and not so busy and stressful. But we could miss this RIGHT NOW moment, when kids so little and need us.

Dont hurry to live, enjoy each moment, capture it and look again.

Here my little treasures. And i really sorry for all moments when I'm not been near or been but not realised how priceless each moment with them.