Happy New Year!

Today we go away Up North for Christmas holidays and will be absent around 1.5 week. It will be quiet time in my blog and website.

Hope everyone will be having a great holidays, plenty of rest, new emotions and adventures!

Happy New Year! Hope its bring us more positive, good and kind events, more luck, happiness and harmony! 

And before New Year we remember all the best what happened with us in last year and make some plans and resolution for next one. So here my positive changes for year 2014:

1. Move back to ice skating after second baby born (when she was 3 month old). Its really positive be on the ice again, feel freedom and happiness. And I even start motivating me blog Olgaskating at Blogger, and connect with some other adults skaters around the world.

2. Decorating and use to our new house what we bought at the end of 2013. Making kids bedrooms, spare guests bedroom, look after outside area (bought some plants and flowers).

3. New DSLR camera Nikon D7000 with few lens bought and from hobby my photography turn more into the business.

4. Creating own website with portfolio and Facebook business page. Thank you everyone who support me on this hard and interesting way! Unbelievable I could do it for so short time.

5. Photography sessions with my clients, models and friends. What the great experience and fun! I am appreciated every single moment. Thank you so much for push me further to bigger progress!

6. Join ClickinMoms community. What the great place to be - forums, tutorials, workshops, picture share, support and love. Im only new there but just love it!

7. View my little ones grow - such a big changes. William turned 2 and start talking, counting, know colours, amazing changes! Anna-Bella turn one year old, now she walking, talking (soon will be same like brother and even faster development - girls!). And they just cute little personalities! Enjoy every moment with them!

8. And my husband Matt, he had hard and busy time at work (really stressful), but still found power for support me on my way with photography, kids, part-time job, housekeeping etc.

Thank you for everything!

Love you all!

And hope next year will bring even more positive and fun (if I will have time in next year probably I will write some type of resolution, milestones. Will see :)

See you next year! Happy holidays!!! Have fun and relax!