Happy Valentine's Day. Couples, engagement photographer


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! What a magic day full of love, friendship and freedom spirit!

Want to say to my clients/friends - I love you all and especially my dear husband! To the moon and back :) Thank you for all you support and love: tea in bed, looking after kids when Im shooting, feeding and changing nappies (not an easy task, especially put clothes back on), making yummy dinners or drive to buy take aways (curry forever!), and listening my talking (not sure how much percent information go through, maybe 10%? ha-ha :)

And thank you guys for share with me your special moments, love and feelings! I'm really appreciate to be part of something magical! :)



P.S.: Im planning to shoot two weddings soon, really excited, counting days - can't wait, more pictures to come in the blog and Facebook page. See you there!

And Happy Valentine's day!

Cornwall park stunning couples love story {Auckland engagement-wedding photographer}

Couples photo shoot always full of love, feelings, fun moments. They show raw emotions, relationships, couples personality, their love story. :) Yes, each couple have own character and personality. Not just 2 different characters, but one for both :) And I need try to understand what the couple looks like, what they love to do, how they spend their downtime, is it more quiet or full of fun and adventure time... I want know and capture their true story!

Im happy Maria and Taz share with me evening at Cornwall park where we get to have best photo shoot ever with so much positive emotions. These guys are just amazing! Im truly in love :)

We had so much fun, creativity, tender moments. And guys brought a lot stuff what was really helpful to made right picture in the frame with atmosphere: flowers, magazines, bubbles, champagne, candies, "Love story" sign, scarfs etc Its great to have so many ideas and options  to choose from and use for special love atmosphere shots.

I been so happy and inspired to come back home and kissed my husband (other peoples feelings made me refresh my own one :) Ha-ha!

I wish I will have the same great experience with every couple and all clients/friends!

It was really hard to choose the best pictures because guys just amazing, they just rock it!

Contact me with any questions!


Lifestyle photography. Auckland

Lets talk about Lifestyle photography today. Its really popular direction right now, and we heard this word often but we don't know what its mean :) Even me (in the past I have no idea what it is, just feels its sounds good. lol)

So here definition from Wikipedia:

Lifestyle photography is a kind of photography which mainly aims to capture portrait/people on situations, real-life events or milestones in an artistic manner and the art of the everyday. The primary goal is to tell stories about people's life or to inspire people in different times.

Lets pick main words: people on situation - artistic manner - art of the everyday - stories about people life - to inspire people. Sounds great!

I love lifestyle pictures because they capture everyday moments, joy, type of documentary storytelling. Its really important treasure every moment and remember all these little details about our feelings, day to day moments, emotions.

Its important - especially with kids because they grow so fast. And its really good look back at pictures and see what they love to do at different moments of life, looks how family love to spend time together. Thats why great to capture these lifestyle moments.

With couple shoot or weddings its work the same way, we not just take formal shots and posing, we try to tell story, show live emotions, laugh, kiss, feel love, smell, hair, joy.

I also taking personal 365 Project and doing my family storytelling with capture daily pictures. And I just love it, so many moments and memories, one little day shows so much details and feels just so important!

Lets heard some photographers voices:

Kasey McCoyLifestyle images are unrehearsed and unscripted. They tell a story that is unfolding and they are real moments of interaction and emotion and you as the artist can use the current story to your advantage by using creative compositions, light and shadows to help play it out (CM).

Brittany Chandler (Brittany Chandler Photography) : I love love love lifestyle/photojournalist/documentary/storytelling images. But no matter what you label them with, they are photos that someone is going to look back on in 10 years and think, "I remember this. That was the year you cut your own hair", or "took your lovey everywhere", or "that was when I held you for the first time", "our first kiss as a married couple". My only goal when taking these photos is to have a reminder of my or my clients' life exactly as it is today :) (CM)

Thats a great words and you feel true love and feelings through them.

I including lifestyle/storytelling images in every clients/friends sessions, and its making set not just 20-30 pics but even around 50-70 sometimes, just can't walk away just with few pics - really want to tell their story, document all these little moments, what could be really import and in 5-10-20 years time.

So here some memories what treasure for me and my friends, real life, storytelling moments: