Cornwall park family lifestyle photos {Auckland-Hamilton photographer } Baby Alexander

Lifestyle sessions for me always starts from details: house interiors, nursery details - cot, mobile, toys around, shelfs, any items what looks like family loves. Thats all details that gets me feeling of the family, their character, personalities, colour choices and stuff around as well.

Then its goes to people who live in this space, how they interact with each other, what made them happy, how the talk, touch each other (hug the baby, touch their little feet, hands and head), all this comes into place like puzzle. 

Then I watch for the light, best place to shoot and compliment the family lifestyle. Its make sense to shoot baby in nursery or on big parents bed because its a place where he spends a lot of time, where mum and dad love to be with him.

I also love ability to move outside of the house and go to the beach or park. These places are not just pretty surroundings, these places are where mum/dad spend a lot of time walking with baby, give him some fresh air.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to met amazing family with 8 month old little one - gorgeous baby Alexander, his parents and lucky enough his grandma who been visited family and planning to fly back to Malaysia very soon. I been happy to capture all this family together at so rememberable for them moments, celebrating first year of babies life and show all lifestyle moments, especially treasured ones with his grand mom!

This family definitely love to have fun. I don't remember when I heard last time so much laughing and giggle sounds. So enjoyable time!
Thank you guys for inviting me in your lovely place at Ellerslie and having outside time in Cornwall park.

What a treasured moments!

Contact me with any questions!