Pre-wedding engagement photo shoot - Muriwai Beach {Auckland wedding photographer} Fiona and Silas

Fiona & Silas

Our pre-wedding engagement photo shoot with Fiona & Silas on Muriwai Beach {Auckland} was just amazing. We met with couple few months ago when they been looking for photographer for their upcoming wedding in Matakana.

Stars come together and we right away felt a good connection at first consultation :) Long story short pre-wedding session was a great idea and allowed us to see each other again, walk and talk and get some stunning photographs on the way :)

Couples story just amazing, Fiona shared some info: "We were from the same school growing up in Malaysia so we've known each other since we were 11. Never really talked to each other more until we met each other in Otago, Dunedin where we studied. We went to the same church, served on the team together, through Easter camp we got to know each other a lot better and realised we had endless things to talk about! We've been together for almost 5 years!" Proposal was really romantic too: "Planned to go to Gold Coast for a fun weekend with friends who were in on the plan. Last night before we left, we were taking photos as a group by the jetty, I had someone take a video while pretending to just take photos. Got on one knee and popped the question."

Our time together was so treasured and beautiful, couple really show up all their emotions and feeling towards each other, it was a great pleasure to observe moments happening unfold, couples love and care towards each other.

Enjoy these video highlights and gallery {nailing photos to certain number for the Blog post was really hard to not overshare as each image from this gorgeous session so deeply speaks to my heart!}

Contact me with any question!


New packaging ready for a wedding season {Auckland - Hamilton NZ engagement photographer}

Its so exciting to put together pieces of my new packaging for my awesome wedding clients. I been doing it during all the winter {its a hard job to choose favourites from plenty of options online; I can totally relate to all brides with their overwhelming wedding planning, how hard to find a right suppliers and vendors!}:

- choosing new wooden USBs {as Im run out of old ones at the end of last wedding season shooting a lot of weddings around New Zealand: Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Northland and surroundings areas},

- beautiful cards {i just in love with what I ordered - they looks really fresh, modern and at the same moment have traditional feeling and slightly vintage style},

- other little things as lace, wraps, filling for boxes etc.,

- and of course a new boxes {i decided to move from wooden boxes to cute tin ones}, will see if my amazing clients will be happy with all these little items what I put together :)

I also prepared some special gifts, its will be a surprise coming your way at booking or after your wedding gallery is completed {with USB included web quality and high resolution files}. So excited about new wedding season starting!

More surprises coming soon! Stay tuned! :)

Contact me with any questions!

Enjoy this insides gallery {i took a few images just in case you curious to see some parts of the packaging}.